The Homiletics Online Blog

What’s Next For Virtual Worship

It’s the new buzzword in Christianity and I hate it: Virtual Worship. Virtual can mean “online” in a modern context, but in its more traditional sense it means “almost” or “kind of like.” I buy a used car and say “It’s virtually brand new!” It’s not, but it could be. And so, I refuse to…

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HomeTouch - Elderly woman looking out the window.

We first published this blog during the summer of 2020 as we saw communities struggling to deal with the isolation and boredom of a lengthy quarantine. If you are a card-carrying member of the “sandwich generation,” boredom is the least of your worries. The S-Geners are people who have caregiving responsibilities for their parents and…

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The Advent of Hope

The Advent Of Hope

Rev. Rob Apgar-Taylor is a guest writer for the Homiletics Blog and a self-described “Christmas fanatic.” He recently shared this reflection with Homiletics in the form of a letter to his congregation. His letter reveals how the year 2020 has been difficult and discouraging for everyone — pastors included. Through an honest account of his…

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The Impatient Pastor

The Impatient Pastor

One of the most important spiritual truths I’ve discovered over the course of a life of ministry is that a prayer for “patience” is the one prayer God almost always answers, usually in the form of offering me an immediate opportunity to exercise it. Patience, it turns out, isn’t something that God simply grants to…

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Reclaiming a Day of Rest

Reclaiming A Day Of Rest

True confession: I am a chronic commandment-breaker. I do it every week. In fact, my job as a pastor demands it. Every Sunday, I go to work and violate the Fourth Commandment: “Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). I’m sure that most of you do the very same. Now it’s true…

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Heaven Can Wait

Heaven Can Wait by Bob Kaylor Featured Image

If you’re like me and grew up in the church, you probably had some really great Sunday school teachers who helped you on the path toward ministry — people who, week after week, gave up their time and sanity to lock themselves in a room with some socially inept yet theologically inquisitive young minds. My…

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The Waiting Preacher

The Waiting Preacher

I was waiting. At the Intercontinental airport in Houston, Texas. I was flying standby and had missed three flights so far. My waiting began at 7 a.m., and at 4 p.m. it showed no sign of abating. So as I waited, I thought about waiting. You can wait for things, like a package to arrive,…

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Homiletics | 8 Sermon Writing Tops

“SlamBall Jesus” seemed like such an awesome sermon. A new extreme sport had been introduced in the U.S., one in which basketball was played with trampolines on the court and wild leaping, hitting and slam-dunking. I connected the SlamBall game to Jesus clearing the moneychangers out of the temple and said that he was angry,…

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The Simple Joy of Mai;

Have you ever noticed the face of someone when they receive an unexpected piece of mail?   For many of our elderly or shut-in members, checking the mail is part of the simple routine of the day. Most of the time, this results in sorting through all the advertisements and requests for money, which is then…

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Blog Article about Church Stewardship

It’s not always easy or pleasant to talk about money. As a church, we often want to put our trust in God that He will provide in such a time of need … but the reality is, the church needs money to continue to operate.  We surveyed subscribers about how Covid-19 is affecting their budgets and…

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